Between Vick and I.
Kaylee- Through the pinhole. You'll do wonders. =] says:
i'm so hyper
Kaylee- Through the pinhole. You'll do wonders. =] says:
it's like i just drank coffee
Vicki says:
Vicki says:
you're always so hyper, darling.
Is that true?
I really hope it's not cause I feel so emo-ish sometimes and mad at myself half the time and baffled at the world most of the time. Nah... Doesn't make any sense.
I finally got to talk to my long lost buddy today. He's as perverted as any guy can be but I've miss him so much.
Yes, he annoys me but hey, at least he listens when I'm down and does the darnest thing to cheer me up.
We had a long chat and I got insulted so many times that I've lost count. That's what I get when I fulfill my promise to get in touch with him after my exams. *sighs* The world is coming to an end.
I have no idea where the last line came from. *ROFL* Anyhow, we both share a great deal and did some catching up. That's all that mattered.
Note to self, "Must not abandon friends." Tee-hee...

I love this.
It's a dream-catcher actually. It's a dainty little thing from the Native Americans. Check it out.
I must go now. Got to watch Britain's Got Talent FINALS.
All Vick and Chris fault for getting me addicted. Haha.. Blame them instead.
P.S. You owe me dude. And no, I don't want you singing at my wedding.
I must go now. Got to watch Britain's Got Talent FINALS.
All Vick and Chris fault for getting me addicted. Haha.. Blame them instead.
P.S. You owe me dude. And no, I don't want you singing at my wedding.