Do you know that feeling? When suddenly you're struck with the notion that there was something you were suppose to change or maybe do. But felt compelled to. And the feeling is repetitious as it unfolds and repeats itself over and over again. Till the lines become hazy and you're left totally gobsmacked as you're right where you once started all over again.
Do you?
This was the best I could describe of it.
This feeling has been lingering around me for days.
I've lived, breathed and felt it and now I want to be ridden of it. Desperately.
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Within yourself.
I knew there was something I wanted to say but then screw it. This was all I could remember from the talk/exchange we had.
She's not her right now and she needs time to figure out the whole mess.
But time is running out. And reality is just closing in on her.
She's left trembling with fear by the bleachers.
And the only person who can help her is herself. She needs to find her own strength to lift up herself once again.
It's all up to her now.
I'll end on a note feeling rather blue right now.
She's not her right now and she needs time to figure out the whole mess.
But time is running out. And reality is just closing in on her.
She's left trembling with fear by the bleachers.
And the only person who can help her is herself. She needs to find her own strength to lift up herself once again.
It's all up to her now.
I'll end on a note feeling rather blue right now.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Secret Crowds.

Talk about hilarious.
You know what I really love?
People giving me peace and calm when I'm reading.
I rarely get that when I'm NOT alone.
You know how hard it is refraining myself from smacking a person who comes along and disturbs me when I'm absorbed in my book? Especially when I'm reading the juicy bits or when I know something ginormous is going to happen.
It takes so much and I mean SO much willpower to stop myself from doing it.
If you see me absorbed in my own little world with a book grasped lovingly in my hands, then leave me be.
How hard is that?
It's really simple. Leave. Her. Alone. Till she's done with her reading that is.
The bittersweet feeling you get when you finally read;
The End.
P.S. I feel like I'm blog-spamming. You know, multi-posting post after another. Clicking 'publish post' right after I just did several minutes ago.
P.P.S. I don't think ginormous is a word. I just made that up. But you know what I mean.
Monday, 13 September 2010
Because I chose to.

I've decided.
I'll give up on that fantasy. Was it even a fantasy? Asks self.
Cause I know it's not worth it.
Says who?
Says me.
Cause I'm the one who made the decision.
Although my judgement sucks at times, I know this time I made the right one.
I've realized.
I can't compete with her.
I don't want to.
I chose not to.
I won't.

I'm the one who made that choice, I'll stick to it.
I like what you say.

That was exactly what I thought when the movie started. XD
So I said I wouldn't blog for quite some time but... I changed my mind.
Technically, this idea had been swirling around my head for quite some time.
Just that I didn't exactly carry on with it.
So NOW I am.
I am going to start posting snippets of my life.
What exactly are they?
I have absolutely no idea.
I think I'm just going to post something, anything that happens to be on my mind. Or simply an event or incident which is worth sharing or which I simply want to post.
It can be utter rubbish and blarney. Who cares?
Basically it comes down to Kelly will start posting a short paragraph, a sentence, a prose, a catchy line or a word whenever she feels like it out here.
Simple enough?
It better be.
And may I add, half the stuff I'm going to post will be incomprehensible.
Maybe cause I'm the one who going through the experience.
Or maybe cause it's simply how I think and process stuff in a certain manner.
Crazy, weird me.
Save it.
I've heard it a dozen times and more.
So that's it then. For now.
She loves to bite her hair. She's real nice.
When she doesn't dislike you that is.
Which pretty much what she does half the time.
P.S. Saying out loud that I want to forget all about you wasn't that hard. Doing it was a total different matter. You still linger in my head.
P.P.S. The kid up there is totally adorable. I know right? And the picture was taken with my phone so the image quality kinda sucks. I didn't edit the picture. Just added my watermark on it so that people won't go claiming that it's theirs.
P.P.P.S. My title is actually a song. One that I like.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Maybe it's not too late.

The past four weeks definitely felt way, way longer than that.
Is that a good thing? *shakes head, nods* *blurry face*
Posting here on Blogger feels weird, awkward-ish. Like a first date or something.
To think of it, that would just pollute the environment.If this blog were a book or say, a recording or a video footage, I would have probably burnt it to ashes by now.
To think of it, that would just pollute the environment.If this blog were a book or say, a recording or a video footage, I would have probably burnt it to ashes by now.
I would have buried this blog ten foot below the ground if it were possible.
Maybe cause I'm so tempted to press the 'Delete blog' button right this instant.
If I did, would I regret it several seconds later?
I'm guessing I would.
Or I should just get a Tumblr and abandon Blogger.
Should I?
This just feels so peculiar, weird, bizarre, odd, queer, wacky, quaint?
I just repeated myself.
I'm just not used to typing random, quaint, indecipherable stuff out here (That's what I usually do) after such a long time of not updating.
There's so much to put out here but when I'm about to type a word out, suddenly, everything is gone.
Just like that.
One thing's for sure. This is absolutely not a comeback.
I don't see myself posting for the next several days or weeks, to be frank.
There's just too much going on or at times absolutely nothing going.
What's the whole point of that?
I have no idea. It just popped out and it made sense to me.
But if you're reading this, if anyone even is, drop by once in a while and see if I changed my mind.
You'll never know.
Till then.

How true.
P.S. I want to do the right thing now. But our definitions of right ain't the same.
P.S.S. Keep your promise D.
P.S.S.S. I still miss you at times. How could I not?
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Totally random.

Oh, I just remembered an incident that occurred yesterday.
While my music teacher and I were listening to a CD I burnt, the topic Nick Jonas arose when one of his songs started playing.
My teacher said some things that went pretty much like this : pity that guy since everyone is trying to be like him. He should sue them or something.
It was pretty hilarious the way he said it.
But then it got me thinking. (Huh, this girl actually thinks. Yea I know right?)
So, it got me thinking that I actually prefer Joe Jonas over Nick Jonas.
Not cause he was THE Joe Jonas.
The main reason why I actually took interest in this, what should I call him? Artist? Disney superstar? Actor? Actress? Singer? Dude?
Fine, person, was cause he reminded me so much of a person I used to know.
The similarity is just too distinct.
The way he speaks, the way he carries himself, the way he simply is.
And whenever I see Joe Jonas act or speak on screen, I'm reminded of this person instead of the other way round.
I can vividly picture an image of some crazy-obsessed-Joe-Jonas fan screaming and shouting obscenities at me halfway across the world right now when they read the last sentence.
But it's true.
Won't deny that.
Whenever I distinctively forget about the existence of this person, Joe Jonas would somehow appear somewhere, on a magazine, in the papers, on my computer screen and remind me of this person. That he exists and is still here. Somewhere roaming on Earth but just that I forgot about him.
Totally annoying at times. It goes to show how crazy I am.
Not really. It just goes to show how much this person meant to me.
He was a really good friend. Full-stop. I'll stop there.
The rest is for me to know and for you NOT to know.

P.S. I just love the sound of the acoustics of an acoustic guitar. This is totally random.
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