Friday, 16 November 2007

Last day.

What do you young guys have to say on the last day of school??
Most of us already treated the passing days a holiday long long time ago when the exams ended.
But today is the official last day of school!!
Now I can whine all about the holidays... cause I know I'm going to have a not-so-fun time either then going out with some of you guys.

I have so many reasons to get whiney but now that I'm going to type all of them out, my head suddenly becomes blank. How great. *snorts sarcastically*

Mum suddenly gets all fired up, not in a good way and starts scolding....
Without any sensible reason. Parents. If I ever am one, I'll have no idea what I should do.
She's getting more and more absurd by the ticking seconds and I mean it literally...
Think of it as an understatement.
How I'll survive this holiday will be a miracle.
Deluding myself won't help that much, at least not anymore.
All I can say is blame it on adolescent or puberty.
If you can't find where the problem lay in you, just blame it on something. That's how we tend to act without realizing it till we've done it.

I've an epiphany.
I'm not meant to get along with other people. Maybe just for a little while.
But I still can't get along well with other people. Period. The end. Full-stop.
I don't even have the explanation for myself but it just is.
Pretty frustrating to think of it but not know why.
A cloud of dread hangs over me.
And I know is that it's something to do with me.
I just don't get it.
Someday I might or maybe the answer is already there without me even noticing it.
I'll get over it, I know it but with the help of the 'few' of you.
The 'few' of you are really special, you just know how without knowing why. I'll always treasure the time you've spend eventhough I know they won't last long. But it's more than enough.

I might be lost,
In a maze with no ending,
Going around in a never-ending circle,
Tired, lost, drained,
But determined to continue,
For I have no reason to stop,
You were always the candle,
With your light,
Flickering in the dark,
Guiding me, comforting me,
Teaching me the true value,
Of friendship,
The word 'Thanks' is hardly sufficient,
All I can offer,
Is the return of an honest friendship.


Mia said...

I'd have thought I'm the paling dramatic punye orang. looks like i'm mistaken.

*throws a tantrum
*all limbs flying about in the air
*then SOMEBODY comes flying about in the air and spots her
*then swoops down on his mighty....
*then catches her and.........
*akhem.. akhem..
*make way for the BRIDE and GROOM...
*make way for the baby....
*make way for the grandbaby...
*make way for the greatgrandbaby
*make way for the great-great-grandbaby
*make way for the.... the...

Mia said...

Oops!! Didn't actually mean it to be so long, you know....

Kelly K. said...

What the-... Haha...
Don't worry, i love it. =p