Thursday, 20 December 2007

TAGGED again!

I think this is the tag that Cheah-Yee reminded me about, stating that I got tagged.

My second try on being tagged. =]

PartOne : OnTheOutside.

* name.
- Xiao Ran

* date of birth.
- 20th March

* current status.
- Doesn't concern you, does it? =p
Single but unavailable.

* eye color.
- Black, maybe a little brown if seen upclose.

* hair color.
- Black but with a little brown when sunlight falls on my head.

* righty or lefty.
- Righty.

* zodiac sign.
- Pieces.

PartTwo : OnTheInside.

* heritage.
- Purely Chinese. [ I think. =p ]

* you fear.
- Losing people that I care and love.

* your weakness.
- Sweets. Ice-cream. And the action of not thinking.

* your perfect pizza.
- Any pizza with a loved one is perfect for me. =] *grins idiotically*

PartThree : YesterdayToday&Tomorrow.

* your first thoughts after waking up.
- "Can I go back to sleep?"

* your bedtime.
- Neither late nor early. Around 11 or 12 ish...

* your most missed memory.
- There are lots but I think it's being with Sarah, Sylvia and her family especially Micheal.

PartFour : YourPick.

* pepsi or coke.
- Neither. They taste the same, don't they?

* McD's or burger king.
- McD's.

* single or group dates.
- Single? Group? Not sure.

* adidas or nike.
- Nike.

* lipton tea or nestea.
- Why do I even bother to answer?? [ I'm being a spoilsport, I know. ]

* chocolate or vanilla.
- Chocolate. =]

* cappucino or coffee.
- Cappucino.

PartFive : DoYou...

* smoke.
- Never even thought of it.

* curse.
- Feel like it but no..

* drink.
- With my parents around but I don't get why adults love them.

PartSix : InThePastMonth.

* drank alcohol.
- Don't think so.

* gone to the mall.
- Yup.

* been on stage.
- Not exactly a stage but it's counted, I guess as I was in front of 270 something people during HAC presentation.

* eaten sushi.
- Yup.

* dyed your hair.
- Nope. Someday I will.

PartSeven : HaveYouEver.

* played a stripping game.
- Never even thought of it.

* changed who you were to fit in.
- Maybe. But I'll realized that it isn't worth it.

PartEight : Age.

* you re hoping to be married.
- In the next who-knows-how-many years? Never gave it a thought.

PartNine : In A Guy / Girl.

* best eye color.
- Hazel brown or blue.

* hair color.
- Brownish-black.

* short or long hair.
- Short.

PartTen : WhatWereYouDoing.

* 1 minute ago.
- Typing.

* 1 hour ago.
- Watching the television and on the computer.

* 1 month ago.
- Being in my own little bubble. Going to school and back.

* 1 year ago.
- In primary school.

PartEleven : FinishTheSentences.

* A strong desire to meet you guys again.

* Yearning for something new, challenging and bold.

* Hoping that the holidays will be longer.

* Praying hard that I'll have the perseverance to be a Completer.

* Ideas and inspiration will come to me as soon as possible.

* Living without a sole purpose but still breathing.

* In a dire need to do something meaningful and benefitting.

* I have no idea why I'm doing this so I'll stop right away.

PartTwelve : Tag5People.

1. Sara
2. Christie
3. Sin Mun
4. Amelia
5. Shanny

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