Friday, 18 January 2008


It's like a real-life video game. In the games where you face lots of monsters. Go through each level one at a time. Only in reality, it's ten times harder, harsher and horrifying. If you fall, you fall. You won't get another extra life nor the game restarting all over again. Once you fall, you've got to learn to brush away the dust and stand right back up. But the bonuses that you get are much more valuable and treasured compared to the ones you get in the game. It's good to get astray from the path once in a while to turn around and look back at all your past memories. Past memories that inspire and encourage you to go on no matter how hard it is. Just as long as you try with all your might and believe that you can do it with all your hard. No matter what, persevere.

School has consume all my time and strength, leaving me a bottomless, endless pit.
I don't have the time or the energy to blog, watch dvd's, lay on the bed and have fantasies, stare at the ceiling, day-dream, shopping and many more other things. Suddenly, things get an unexpected twist.

The not-so-good news- CHEERLEADING.
The future of our team, one word. Bleak. There's so much confusion, disagreement, judgment and emotional issues. Why can't it be like last year? Why must it be like this? Why must of all the people on earth, why must it befall on us? It's just so frustrating. We worked so hard last year to get this far and all you have for us are just more bad news? All the empty promises you are making hurts us even more. We love this sport so much and what are you going to do? Crush all our hard-earned work and experience? Demolish our hopes of becoming even better? I understand what you're doing. It's hard. I know. But you can't bear them all yourself. It's hard for us and it's even harder for you. I get it. All our hopes are slowly ebbing away. If only....

The news that put a smile on my face- PROBATION.
I passed the interview. *drumrolls* It's unbelievable, unexpected, unimaginable. As usual, I was muddled up by my 'two-sided' thinking. One part screams out loud that I won't pass the interview while the other part shouts and echoes in my head that I will pass the interview. Freaky crazy of me. My first duty starts next week. I'm both exhilarated and nervous. I'm always up for a new challenge so I'll try my best. [ If my best is good enough.] It's going to be an experience thats worth it though. Congratulations to all the others who got chosen. And to the others who weren't, don't feel too bad. Try again next year. Don't give up no matter what.

2 Keruing is like a real-life drama. How fascinating. What do you expect? All girls. I wish there were guys. The class will actually be livelier instead of everyone acting as though they are mourning over the death of someone. No pun intended. It's true though. I love noise, not exactly peace and calm. I guess I'm really demanding.

p.s I've finished Ironside. Dave died. Roiben and Kaye are together again.

p.p.s My exam's next week. Ughh... I'm so not ready for it.

Till anonymous people, more books and unexpected little kindness.

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