Tuesday, 8 July 2008


I found this video in Shawn's blog.
I met him through a church camp, Revolution 4.12.
He's a really cool kid. Friendly and all.
The jokes that he crack, absolutely makes you roll on the floor clutching your tummy.
He's dream is to an international beat-boxer and represent Malaysia in a beatbox convention in Germany Berlin.
I hope he gets to fulfill he's dream cause he's really talented and passionate in achieving his dream.

He inspires me to do what I like and not be afraid of what others may say.
I've seen him face to face, talked to him, listen to his jokes, laugh along with him and saw him performing during church camp.
So it's not like a fraud or anything cause this guy is for R-E-A-L.

Shawn and Ivan. They're best buds.
(Grabbed from somewhere)

I pray that God will be with you through everything and someday you'll achieve your dream with his help.

These are the daily bits that inspire us to go all out for what we really like and let nothing stop us. It's believing in out abilities that actually allow us to achieve it. Without trusting that we, ourselves can do it, is it possible to want what you desire? Most importantly is believing in God cause through him, we have the strength to keep on going matter how hard it is.

P.S. The Kaelan in the video goes for Kumon. Willey knows him. He did go for HAC 2007 too. What a small, small world.

~ Kell's out.

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