I’m hyper at the moment. So please don’t mind me. Apparently I’m high on sugar.
I've been bugged by many peeps bugging me to update.
Can you believe it? Last Friday was just the LAST day of school.
A week has just gone and past. Time sure whizzes by fast. A week of holidays has just gone in a flash of an eye.
I can’t even remember what I’ve been doing the past few days.
I’ve been going out every single day for the past week except for today.
Under house arrest today. *laughs maniacally*
Not really. The truth is I can’t walk properly at the moment. I limp, not walk.
My knee hurts like mad. My muscles are sore like anything. I think I overdid it.
But I’m going to do it again.
Mum says I’m crazy. Bringing these to myself.
Oh well, it’s not everyday you get to be fourteen, do you?
People whom I’ve been talking to the past few days claim that the holidays are boring.
Me? I absolutely LOVE them.
Other than going out every day, I’ve been reading like a maniac. I’m going to run out of books soon. Understatement of the day.
I never run out of books to read cause I always reread. Mad? There you go.
Let’s see…
These week has been… has been… Unexplainable. Too many adjectives.
It freaks me out when some of you guys say you have tuiton everyday. That’s insane. It’s suppose to be the holidays. A break from all the madness studying.
But hey, who am I to say?
Every year, when it comes to the end of the year, we'll claim that the year has gone in a blink of an eye. Then, the next year, we'll claim the same thing over again. And the next year, and the next. But why do we do that?
I don't even know.
Maybe it's cause we don't know how to appreciate time.
Maybe it's cause we can't wait for another new beginning.
Maybe it's cause we want everything to stop and rewind back to the past.
Maybe it's cause we are overwhelmed with the incidents that occur during that particular year.
I don't know.
I sometimes wish I can forget all the bad times and just dwell on the good, happy times.
But I learn from someone that it's the bad, unhappy, tough times that give you strength to go on even when you don't want to because you know you've been through them and you survive to tell the tale.
Whoa, I really don't know where that came from. It just came out.
You know one thing that I miss doing?
It's writing.
Writing stories and poems.
Now, I can't get myself to do it anymore. There's just something stopping me from doing it.
I still love writing. I do.
I'm going to end here. So I've updated. I did.
P.S. Cartoon reruns are fun.
P.P.S. I still miss those too..
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