Anywhere near it or even touching it.
Cause of so many reasons.
They're unlisted.
Today, was a complete waste of time.
I should have just fall back to bed and continue my very weird dream.
Of all chapters to get, I got the chapter on reproduction. Pftt...
What a big joke.
Catching up on my sleep would be much more appealing.
Man, I'm so freaked out. Like big-time freaked out.
There's a taekwondo tournament coming up and my master signed me up for it.
It's a world tournament. And everyone stresses on the WORLD.
I'm in for the pattern and sparring.
Training is tough. And I feel so not ready.
The worst part is that it's all SOLO. Alone.
I get all fidgety when I freak out.
Since this is my first time in a tournament, I expect the worse.
Don't blame me kay.
I never dreamt of joining one. Not in my wildest dream. Never.
So I have every right to be freaked out.
And to pile it on, intervention 3 is the day after the tournament.
Oh joy.
The punching bag that we used to practice on has now become a bean bag.
I'm serious. The guys kick bloody hard. All I manage is a few miserable kicks out of me.
Getting weaker and weaker after the next kick.
My knuckles hurt like mad after punching and my carpals (wrist) feel like they've been disconnected from my joints.
This is worse than last year. I have no idea what I've got myself into.
Eventhough I'm freaked out in doing the pattern alone, I'm still okay with it compared to sparring.
Sparring with my brother is something I look forward to, but sparring with a total stranger?
Might as well ask me to climb the Himalayan mountains. I'd rather do that.
I guess I watch to much violence movies back then. All the blood and body fluids gushing out from a body.
Really shatters you're confidence.
Gasping for air,
Eyes shut in anticipation,
Withholding the pain that flows through,
Beads of sweat trickling down the spine,
Drop by drop,
It falls.
Eyes shut in anticipation,
Withholding the pain that flows through,
Beads of sweat trickling down the spine,
Drop by drop,
It falls.
Everytime they sit and stare at me,
A surge of emotions tumble through me.
Mostly I want to run away,
Far away from this nightmare.
But I can't.
Cause I know I have to face it.
Words can't describe what's going on inside me.
I can't wait for it to be over.
But I'll regret it when it's over.
Ironic, ain't?
Choral speaking in secondary school is totally chaotic and dramatic. Fueled of energy, zest, laughter, annoyance, frustration and tears.
It was crazy. We went, we did it, we rocked our worlds!! *laughs out loud*
The journey in the bus was crazy, WE (well, most of us) were crazy. LOL. I have no comment about the bus. *Pftt*
I watched Transformers 2. I really did!!
With Jen and my brother.
Totally awkward.
Yeah, but oh-so-worth-it.
Now, no one will talk to me cause I babble to much and give them all the spoilers.
So, I'm stuck with my brother to debate with.
I want to watch it again but I doubt I'll have the chance.
This is all for now. As usual, I have a lot to say. But words just get stuck in my head.
Check back here several weeks later.
The journey in the bus was crazy, WE (well, most of us) were crazy. LOL. I have no comment about the bus. *Pftt*
I watched Transformers 2. I really did!!
With Jen and my brother.
Totally awkward.
Yeah, but oh-so-worth-it.
Now, no one will talk to me cause I babble to much and give them all the spoilers.
So, I'm stuck with my brother to debate with.
I want to watch it again but I doubt I'll have the chance.
This is all for now. As usual, I have a lot to say. But words just get stuck in my head.
Check back here several weeks later.
P.P.S. Dude, you got to stop calling me "that". *pouts*
1 comment:
missing all my weird juniours.
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