Wow. I haven't updated since July. That's pretty long.
So much have happened since then.
And everything that I've went through feels like a blur to me.
A big, black hole simply waiting for me to fill it up.
I guess you must have notice my header. I decided it was time for a change.
There are only a few minor adjustments to the original picture I taken.
I didn't change much as I like the nostalgia feeling it potrays.
I've always had a fascination towards snowglobes. I don't really know why.
Somehow, my thoughts drift far away when I hold one in my hand.
To me, the snowglobe represents the childhood memories, the hope we grasped so tightly in our hands and the disappointment springing up on us as we slowly grow up.
Gradually, we begin to loose our passion for day-dreaming, for reaching for the stars and pursuing our dreams.
We begin to think as that they're just a bunch of useless thoughts and unachievable.
But whenever I hold a snowglobe in my hand, my world plunges into a whole new dimension.
I can dream again.
Today, Chris who is addicted to Reader's Digest now brought one to school. While flipping through the pages, I saw this. I found it so hilarious. This was what the teacher told the students during an exam.
"You may look up for inspiration, down in desperation but not to the side for information. "
I chanced upon this website one day. It completely blew my mind.
SHE's simply amazing. A young girl, brimming full of talent.
I wish I could meet her and have the opportunity to talk to her and have an insight of what's going through her head and tell her face to face that she's one of my biggest inspiration.
"Somedays I wish you were still here for me.To hear me out, comfort me and tell me that everything will be okay."
Where's the friend when you need one?
I wish so very dearly that you'll still be there for me.
I guess the only blame would be me, as it was mainly my fault we drifted apart.
How I wish that to change very much. I don't know if its too late.
I only know I'm too afraid to loose another close friend. Again.
This is specially for Sara. I promised you I'll upload a picture of my dog, here it is.

Presenting Bowie.
(Weird name, I know but I didn't name her.)
I didn't have time to edit the picture so bear with this underexposed picture.
She's afraid of cameras and runs whenever she sees a camera in sight.
Oh, and Vick's terribly frightened of her. *giggles*
I'll tell you more about Bowie another time.
I'm talking in transitions again. But I don't really mind it now.
If you don't understand what I've written, then it's no use trying. Leave it the way it is.
I won't know when I'll be updating again but check in here once in a while. I may have updated.
P.S. I can finally text message again. *smiling in glee* No more putting people off now. *Phew*
1 comment:
hehe, bowie...i forgot it's name. It ain't that weird actually...sounds kinda like how I'd name my dog last time. "Bow" - sounds dogs make (bow wow wow) + "ie" to make it sound cute.
I had this puppy see, from the mother dog (*wink*) who gave birth to 3 puppies. She was a pure white furred female puppy (*wink wink*) and she had a bad foot, she kept making noises like "ngow ngow" rather than bark.
So obviously I named it Ngowie. Hard to pronounce but you get used to it =)
Its fur is now a mix of black white AND brown (she started off just plain white while the other 2 puppies had black and brown spots seperately) Amazing eh?
sorry, was bored and got carried away~
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