Friday, 30 October 2009

Rainbow Veins.

I'm going MIA for 5 days.
Starting Sunday.
If you can't find me, you know why.
A break from all the drama is exactly what I need.
So it's not a surprise if I welcome it.

I might be running away, but how far can I run?

P.S. This picture was taken out of spontaneity. Out of the blue. After some tweaking, I finally came out with this. Currently I'm having a love-hate relationship with it. To me, it could have been better. If anyone asks, it's supposedly a pigeon. I love how many people are actually clueless to what my pictures are.

P.P.S. My photography has gone on a halt. Momentarily. Low in perseverance. Fueled of ideas though. But I'm getting comfortable with the burst of spontaneity. And the uncertainty and possibility of anything and everything that can occur in a photoshoot. [That is alot of 'ands'.]

P.P.P.S. I'm glad James Patterson continued his series. I'm going to finish Book 2 of The Protectors in the series of Maximum Ride today. And I can't get enough of it. Everything in the book gets me going. Fang's characteristics clearly resembles a guy I know but I still prefer the fictional Fang. =p

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Tucked Safely.

The last post brought along a somber and depressing mood towards myself.
A few people came up with several scenarios that were totally absurd and mind-boggling.
I know the few who asked were just being concerned and all but I have nothing to tell you guys except that it's not what you think it is so just let it go.

I figured that out a little too late.
I wish I hadn't known the truth. The truth doesn't set you free.
Not all the time. Sometimes, it just binds you tighter.
As I regret to have seek for it, I'm glad I found out.
It made me tougher and built me up.
I needed that.
To experience the pain before succumbing to reality.
I was too high in the clouds.
It is time to be at the present. At the moment.
Living it.

I'm a very happy and satisfied kid today.
Eugene told me today that if I complain that my life sucks, he will come and find me. (You know what that means.)
That's cause I shouldn't be complaining at all.
Nope, I'm not. At all. Okay, maybe a teeny weeny little?

So I had three ice-creams today. THREE.
Yup. All within a short period of time. Busted my last record. And I'm proud of it.
Oh, and mum said I'm getting sarcastic these days.
I took that as a praise. I mean, how can you live without sarcasm?
It completes your life. For me, of course.

I'm pretty contend where I am.
So don't you go thinking I'm on anti-depressants or I'm planning a suicide note or something.
I may have been snapping and giving crude or snide remarks to some people. I deeply apologize for that. I didn't mean too. You were at the wrong place at the wrong time. My only explanation is that I had too many conflicts to handle and I was overwhelmed.
But I'm fine now. And it'll stay that way for some time.

P.S. I'm looking forward to Saturday. Part of it anyway. Some may know why. Others, well, if you don't just go on with your life.

P.P.S. The picture above is SOOC. No edits. Just my watermark and the header. I did several at one go but I'll post them when the time comes.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Jangles. Jingles.

I'm a bunch of nerves right now.
I've just sent them an email inquiring about that subject matter.
I really hope I receive a positive response from them, accepting me.
It would be an amazing, wonderful, learning experience which would be worthwhile and would last a lifetime.
Now all I can do is pray that God will lead me to the right path and I'll leave everything in His hands. It took alot of guts to finally send that email.
When I finally did, I keep having recurring flashes where I received a reply from them, rejecting it. This will definitely put me in a down mood for days.
It means so much to me.

P.S. The statement below is meant especially for "you".

There comes a time for me to forgive. But not now. I wish I really could forgive you but I would just be lying to myself. Give me time. There will come a time when I will finally be able too. And when that time comes, a heavy burden would be lifted from my shoulders.

P.P.S. I wish I hadn't known about it. Then, I would just be the ignorant, fooled, used girl, instead of the one who knows the truth but is hurting so much on the inside. You think you may know me but you've made a mistake. A great one I would say.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Prefects Hi-Tea.

I've had to play dress up three days in a row.
It can be exciting and exhilarating but it is also really tiring.
So I'm really spent, exhausted and exuberant in some ways.
I've also had many late nights including today.
But I promised Mia that I'll post the pictures so here goes nothing.

Just a note, the pictures I took aren't that good. I'm not really into event-taking pictures cause there are just too many variables and since I'm still a beginner, I'm still grasping the principals of many aspects.
So I must apologize beforehand if the pictures I took aren't up to standard.
If you want a clearer view of the pictures, just click on it, every Tom, Dick and Henry knows that.
Oh, and the picture that I'm in is clearly not taken by me so I want to thank whoever willingly took it for me. =]

These 6 pictures took more than an hour to load.
Bloody frustrating. I desperately need sleep so I won't wait any longer.
Be satisfied with these for the time being, folks.
That's all you'll get.

P.S. The pictures are straight out of camera as I wasn't in the mood to edit them. If you want to use them or whatsoever, CREDIT me please. (except the last picture)

P.P.S. I might post more. Might. That's a possibility. Blogger takes so long just to upload one picture. It's ludicrous.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Temporary Setback.

This wasn't suppose to be my next post.
I had something completely different in my mind.
But this is okay I guess.
My next post will be about the prefect's hi-tea.

I thought that I would blog regularly every single day after PMR.
Guess I was wrong after all.
My bad.
I have been doing the keep-everything-in-your-heart thing again.
When I feel the urge to express myself, I will.
But there will be a time for that.

P.S. The picture above is straight out of the camera, no edits or anything. I just added the title and my watermark. Do you know what it is? View it large, you'll love it.

P.P.S. I think I'm falling for you. For better or for worse, I don't know. I really don't.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Oh Lady Fortune...

I have a DATE!!

With 3 pretty girls tomorrow.


Can you believe it?

I'm laughing my ass off.
That made me sound like a guy who's desperate to go out on a date.
Anyhow, I can assure you I'm a girl who's very straight.
Whom has three companions to accompany her tomorrow.
On an outing for a mission. To hunt. For what? Think.
Gah, I read too much. And watch too much Bones.

This is an unofficial post post PMR.
Get it? Hope you did.
It means this is not counted as a post eventhough it is.
Don't ask why.
I have something planned up but due to some technicalities, it can't be done.
So.. see you when I do see you.

Ending this unofficial post with nothing.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Here. For a while. A little while. A long while.

2 more days left till it's over. Hallelujah.
Since I sit right in front facing the door, I have to stare at the words MERDEKA every single day.
Do you know how hard is that?
Those words are like pasted there mocking me every ticking second.
It takes so much inner will not to rip it right off.
But it feels so darn tempting.

I watched The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants 2 yesterday.
I sure wasn't disappointed with it.
Shakespeare has got a new meaning for me now.
Though the plot of the story didn't go the way the books are, it gives a different perspective to readers who have already read the book.
Technically, another take on the book.
Plus, the cute guys are an added bonus. *grins cheekily*
I can't get over that charming smile. =p

Some of the lines that caught my attention:

"I'm pretty sure I'm right where I belong.
According to..."

Why don't people talk like this anymore? It's just, we've gotten so lazy.
We don't say, "Oh, Lady Fortune, stand your auspicious. "
We say, "Dear God, help me."

You said archeology is more than finding bones and you were right.
People do have a power over us even after they are gone.
I tried to forget the past and ran away from the pain.
But the past is always with us and it's time I stop running.

She would like to do natural childbirth.
"What? Are you crazy?"

Not everyone you love is going to leave you.

Sometimes words fail.

There are many more catchy, meaningful lines but I better stop now.
Need to study and entertain my thoughts and fantasies.