A few people came up with several scenarios that were totally absurd and mind-boggling.
I know the few who asked were just being concerned and all but I have nothing to tell you guys except that it's not what you think it is so just let it go.

I wish I hadn't known the truth. The truth doesn't set you free.
Not all the time. Sometimes, it just binds you tighter.
As I regret to have seek for it, I'm glad I found out.
It made me tougher and built me up.
I needed that.
To experience the pain before succumbing to reality.
I was too high in the clouds.
It is time to be at the present. At the moment.
Living it.
Eugene told me today that if I complain that my life sucks, he will come and find me. (You know what that means.)
That's cause I shouldn't be complaining at all.
Nope, I'm not. At all. Okay, maybe a teeny weeny little?
So I had three ice-creams today. THREE.
Yup. All within a short period of time. Busted my last record. And I'm proud of it.
Oh, and mum said I'm getting sarcastic these days.
I took that as a praise. I mean, how can you live without sarcasm?
It completes your life. For me, of course.
I'm pretty contend where I am.
So don't you go thinking I'm on anti-depressants or I'm planning a suicide note or something.
I may have been snapping and giving crude or snide remarks to some people. I deeply apologize for that. I didn't mean too. You were at the wrong place at the wrong time. My only explanation is that I had too many conflicts to handle and I was overwhelmed.
But I'm fine now. And it'll stay that way for some time.
P.S. I'm looking forward to Saturday. Part of it anyway. Some may know why. Others, well, if you don't just go on with your life.
P.P.S. The picture above is SOOC. No edits. Just my watermark and the header. I did several at one go but I'll post them when the time comes.
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