That's good, right?
I'm glad you're back. =]
I did not realize how much I missed you till your empty presence reminded me.
It's comforting having you around.
I'm glad picking Zombieland as the choice of movie did not turn out to be bad.
Overall, it was okay.
Throw in some zombies, swear words, romance and comedy, you'll get Zombieland.
It also helps to have CWK there beside you asking, "You scared ah?", when he already knows the answer and merely asks cause he ain't even the slightest bothered.
Although I'm a little surprised that the swear words weren't censored.
It gets really annoying when the character is talking and midway, brief silence, before words are audible again.
At least this did not occur during the movie.
Or should I add that it is a 18PL movie?
Oops.. That slipped out.
Added bonus, this movie was way better than Phobia 2.
At least I wont be having nightmares tonight.
An epiphany occurred to me today.
Epiphany's come in the weirdest form for me.
Like today.
Anyhow, I finally came to my senses that it was time to let go.
I already know it won't be easy. Geared up for it? Not at all.
It's just a known fact that is taking it's time to settle really slowly in my brain.
But I know that I have to let go.
I got to stop reliving the past and just deal with reality.
Just as Ida Scott Taylor once wrote, " Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."
That's living.
I'm slightly disappointed though that it took me that long to figure it out.
This quote came at the right time. It's time to move on.
Baby steps.
Finally dealing with it feels as though a burden has been lifted from my shoulders.
But there's still a long way to go. The hardest part has yet to come.
I just hope that I won't succumb to that darkness again.
Most of my posts are what you call 'wordy' and usually don't mean a thing to readers. (I did NOT just realize that.)
I won't apologize for it. Definitely not.
Partly cause no one forced you to read them. (If someone did, which I think is absurd, just tell them to read their own writing.)
And mainly, it's more for self-purpose.
Words comfort me. (Read my profile, you'll get an idea of what I mean.)
Just wanted to get that straight.
Till I update again.
When I feel like it.
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