Saturday, 24 April 2010

"It might not be the prettiest thing you'll ever see but it's a new day."

After today, I felt like I had an alternative. All of a sudden, everything looked up.
It was refreshing.
And after a long while, I actually looked forward to the future. It's a long shot but I'll remain optimistic.

There are times where you just have to take things as they go.
Plans will always go array.
Nothing is ever set in stone till its done.
In the end, it's up to you to adapt.
To accept the truth. As much as you harbor feelings for it.
No matter what, just go on.
Don't bother thinking it's not worth it.
In the end, you'll know.
It is.

This friendship between us, it's unnaturally natural.
Somehow, me sitting beside you felt so easy. There was no need for the false pretense. We just had to be who we were.
It was that simple.
No words were needed to acknowledge the friendship we built over the long run.
For a moment in time, I thought we lost that. But it was a breath of fresh air when I discovered that it was still there. If not, stronger.

I so want this. Points.

Credits to Lexi.

I'm yearning for this book. *points up*
No way you'll get it here in Malaysia. *moans* *on the brink of tears*
It's simply amazing. I would bring it to bed every night and leave it by my night stand.
You'll catch a glimpse of me with a smile etched on my face every single night. Trust me.
If only I could get it.

Actually I do have some pictures which I took that I am rather fond of.
But I'm feeling rather the blues so you just have to wait for the day where there is a massasive upload. Don't hold your breath though.

I really hope I get in. *crosses fingers*

Toodles. You won't get another post from me till I-don't-know-when. Apparently, I'm waiting for the move to occur. Till then, I'm inconsistent.

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