Mondays' have been the toughest cause it's when the pangs hit the hardest. Missing you just comes naturally.
Which is why I have this to remind me to double take.

Oh, and for the idiot [yes, I'd have to call you one] that has my number, STOP giving it out like some freebie.
It's not.
Go find something else to do, or go bug someone else.
Better still, go spend you're time on something more beneficial or worthy such reading or volunteering perhaps?
Gee, if you want a friend, be a friend yourself first. Don't expect more than that if you can't even be one.
God, I'm just so tired of being the one to patch up our friendship all the time and the one constantly being there for you whenever you need me but all I get is a gust of wind when I needed you to be there for me.
This thing you call friendship, if you still do, goes both ways.
So you either salvage it or abandon it.
Take your pick.
Cause I'm done making up excuses for myself to continue saving our friendship. What's left of it anyway. It's pathetic.
I heard this phrase somewhere and I felt that it describes me so well.
"I don't do well with anger. I'm passive aggressive. I say one thing and mean another thing."
It's a silly thing to do. But I still do it anyway.
There's this song by 78violet that means a lot if you read between the lines. Wait, you don't even have to.
Here are several snippets from the song.
Get up, get in or get out.
Move to the left, move to the right, if you stand still, you'll be here all night.
You can bitch and moan about it,
But things will never change.
Just because you are here, doesn't mean you belong.
If you watched Hellcats, then it'll have a larger impact on your life.
Yes, I've started writing in snippets again. Blame it on the brain. It shifts from one topic to another back and forth.
Resorted to doing this.
If there were snide comments, I'm sorry. Actually, I'm not.
It's the time when girls get cranky. Blame it on the hormones. Low blow, I know.
It's when you meet creeps who make your life harder than it already is.
That you feel you're about to snap and barely pulling it together.
P.S. I'm not sure this is long enough for you, Ming. But at least I tried. XD
P.P.S. I didn't know I had readers coming here. What more I didn't know was that I owed them a long post. Hehe. Another time, bro. =p
P.P.P.S. Radical honesty is contagious. Try it.
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