Sunday, 18 September 2011

Breathe in, breathe out.

I know I'm suppose to post an update today.
A lengthy long-ish one at least?
But I'm not in the mood to.
I still have so much to do.
And exams continue again tomorrow.
Kinda feeling a tad bit of lifeless now as I could be out somewhere, at a place where I'm fond of.
Instead I'm at home, not that I have anything against home, it's lovely.
Just want to be out being able to do what I want, without feeling guilty.
The main consolation for myself is that, there's only 3 days left. 5 papers.
Yes, three long, windy, late nights left.
Then I get to enjoy myself for a tad bit.
I have several plans up my sleeves that I can't wait to carry out.
Probably involves declaring self-holidays for myself I presume.
After that, it's back to war with the books again.

As most of you know, a dear teacher of ours passed away yesterday.
I'm still speechless and in a state of disbelief.
I don't do well with grief.
All I can say right now is that she's an amazing teacher who's dedicated to her job.
And it's such a loss to the world that we've lost someone like her.
One thing's for sure, she'll always be in our hearts.

Just another something I want to say.
Two days ago was the best opportunity for me to asked you if you wanted to be friends.
Cause there are two options; friends or enemies.
Frankly speaking, I don't need an enemy nor want one.
They are a waste of time and effort.
The awkward silences and  brief looks has to stop.
I'm not judging you for what you did.
Heck, I don't even know the whole story.
So now the only options I'm offering is friends or strangers.
Done deal.
Only thing left to say is that it's a waste to loose a friend.

Back to studying.
I shouldn't be here in the first place.
Ming, if you're reading this, I updated. Obviously. Haha.

Till then.

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