Wednesday, 19 October 2011


Tough truths told out loud.
It has been bubbling inside for sometime, slowly finding it's way out.
Things are never as they seem.
Everything has two sides, double-fold to them.
Thank you for being understanding. For helping me keep my part of the promise I made to you.
You'll make it through this. Trust me.
You are more than what you're going through right now.

You'll never be rid of me. =p 


And for this special someone, Thank you for letting me into your life.
I know you're disappointed that that things did not go the way as planned, that you did not get what you wanted. 
You might think that someone else deserve it better, but I believe that you deserve it as much too.
I choose to believe that God has bigger plans for you.
And someday, you'll find out.
Till then, I'm always here for you. =] 

Time for bed.

P.S. I have more than a reason to not go to school now since I can't bear to part with the new addition to the family. It just breaks my heart being apart. Sighs. At least, I'll be awaiting the second the school bell rings, indicating the moment school's over.

P.P.S. Words never seem to do enough justice.

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