Sunday, 11 March 2012

Gone in the wind.

These 3 months, I’ve learn to grow. 
I’ve learnt that I can find strength in myself even when every fibre in me screams that I’m not able to. 
Even when all I want to do is breakdown into a million tears and just disappear into tiny particles in the air and be carried away by the wind. 
I finally realized the magnitude words have on a certain person.
And how much a memory means to someone.
I still have a plethora to learn. 
That I acknowledge.
But for now, it’s a day to day struggle. 
That begins anew each day. 
And I’ve learnt to accept that challenge heads on.
That things will never go the way you plan it out to be in your head.
Like how an artist sketches his whole revolution  out in his head but it turns out to be an entirely different masterpiece on paper. 
It is after all, what you make out of that particular situation that determines the frown etched on your eyebrows when you sleep at night or the contented smile curved on your lips when you lay your head on your pillow, silently forming a prayer of gratitude for the day.
Life’s after all a process of breathing in, breathing out.
I’m all but just the child of God. 

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