I'm cranky these days.
Yup I admit it.
I don't really know what to do.
If we opt to do what we said we wished we did, I know we're going to regret it.
But if we decide to go on with it, will you guys work together to make it a success?
Whatever the few of us planned and fought over was just a complete waste of crap. We shouldn't even bother with it in the first place if this was what we got in return.
I shouldn't even be online now but since I'm already on the computer, why not?
Exams are going to be over in two times and then it's time to hit the books.
Story books, specifically. You might think how would I be so eager to touch a book when I just finished my exams? The only answer I can give is that Breaking Dawn is screaming at me to open and feel its pages from my table.
"Can you whisper in my ear.
Let me know its all right."
Let me know its all right."
Vick, I'm glad I opened up to you. We both feel helpless when it comes to helping someone you call a friend. That's the way things are, I guess. I'll always want the best for you and I'm sure you know it. So go with the flow. You'll never know what you'll find at the end of the rainbow till you reach it. Your words comfort me and your gentle pats pulled back into pieces. Small you may be but big at heart.
Sean, it was unexpected. But you realized all along. Thanks for today. You know I'll get over it. I always do. Plus I have an extra shoulder to lean on to right?
I'm sure we all need this break to settle things out and figure ourselves what it was actually all about.

Till more ravings, quality time spent together, wanderings and thoughts.
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