I wish I was on the edge of the world.
Then I'll SCREAM and SHOUT till my heart's content!!
I though I could handle that situation. Boy, was I wrong.
Didn't take long for me to spiral down into the abyss of darkness.
Wished I had the courage to find solace.
I don't know whats the point of me pressing on. Is it even worth my effort? Or will it just be a complete waste of time. It leaves me wondering.
This past two weeks has had it's ups and downs. It's going to take sometime before I begin to trust in you again. The conflict that occurred left a deep, long scar within me. I've learn to forgiven but forgetting it and pretending that it was nothing but a mere joke? I can't do that. I can't will myself to do it. What's been done has been done. You can't erase the past, just go through today and seek tomorrow. Time is all I ask for I am still haunted by the incident. Flashes of it is still vivid in my mind. I believe time will tell.
It's really hectic. All the stress is mounting it. I know all my other friends are facing the same situation I'm going through. But I don't think I can hang on any longer. I've been bombarded with conflicting conflicts one after another. It's hard. I know I can go through it.
09.08.08- New South Wales English
10.08.08- First Aid Test. Thank God it's postponed
12.08.08- School exam
Holidays are going to be a blast for me. But it has also another meaning. I'm sure some of you would know what it is. We'll go through it together. Like we always do. Certain people surprises me every passing day. Little gestures make me smile. Lifting the veil that tends to show what I'm not. I love it when YOU smile. It radiates the feeling that its okay, everything is going to be alright and you'll go through it since you're a tough one. I wish I could tell you that but I never found the guts too.

A moment suspended in time. That's how it seemed now.
There was something Connal told me. It's still ringing in me. "If you wish to trust people, Kelly, you have to learn to trust yourself". Complicated? Not to me. It’s true. If you really think. Cause the truth is there right within.
Signing off now. A very impatient sister in sight.
Till more hope, tough-goings, wonders, quotes and secret smiles.
Till more hope, tough-goings, wonders, quotes and secret smiles.
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