Sunday, 13 September 2009

A little much needed help.

You used to say this to me and I'll just shrug it off.
Now, I need you to say it to me once again.

I miss late night movies.
I always wondered why local stations air their movies way early in the morning, say 1am?
These were times when I stubbornly fought with sleep just to keep myself awake.
Even when the movies were extremely cheesy and cliche, I would still watch them.
Who cares that it was released several years back then?
I felt carefree, unattached and unburdened.
For the first time, in many months, I stayed up late till past 3 just to do so again.
And it felt good, for once.

Taken during the mid-term break.
I miss the really straight-ruler-cut hair.

Oh, the stuff I'm going to do after 4 weeks. I figured less.
If you think I'm getting loony now, which I believe I am, it'll be worse then.
And I'm so looking forward to that.


And Mr. Pornstar, pigs have wings. In my dreams. Of course they do. *grins widely*

P.S. Yesterday was a great start, let's hope that it lasts.

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