Thursday, 17 September 2009


How very true.

Credits to Cody. Whose masterpieces major in paintings and drawings. =]

Mum's always the best! No matter what.
And today was one of the many examples of her being so. =]

I can't wait to get my hands on grandpa's camera. *smiles in glee*
It's going to be a real hands-on project.
Just got to survive these few torturous weeks.

Today wasn't really a good day.
I liked it better at home.
Where I can cuddle up in my bed and daydream.
While holding on tight to my insights, dreams and ambitions.
All the while gulping my homemade drink.
Somehow, I'm grateful for the holidays.

From now till PMR, I'm just going to drop by here to post some short posts.
It helps in taking my mind off the serious stuff and just focus on the mundane ones.


P.S. Suddenly I realized that I missed having you around. Telling me nonchalantly about absolutely nothing and everything. I think I can finally admit it. I miss having you as a friend. You were always there for me. And as much as I want to have you back, I can't turn back the time but I can only change the present, that is for us to be friends together again, laughing at all the lame, nonsensical day-goings. Lets be friends again. Can we?

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