Part 2 of part 2.
(Preferably read part 1 of part 2 first)
I have this friend.
He's talented in many areas.
The one thing I'm definite he's talented in is pushing me towards a better perspective of 'myworld'.
Get it? It's not that hard.
Back to topic.
He taught me to see the best of whatever crappy situation I landed myself in.
Even though he acknowledges and admits that my situation is crappy, he will still be able to uncover an advantage out of it.
That was how he was.
No matter how much darkness you smother him in, he will find that beam of light, no matter how dim it is.
He did it cause he simply could.
And I do envy him for being able to do that.
But he's pushed me to achieving the very same thing.
And I smile whenever I recall the conversations in my head.
He did it without me realizing.
But somehow I'm hooked onto it.
And these past few days, it had really been helpful.
It didn't make it any easier but it did help.
This week has also been about making choices, being strong, grateful and regaining hope.
I'm beginning to rekindle with something I knew I had a passion for but it was lost somewhere in between disappointments, disagreements, the feeling of giving up, the sense of not belonging and reality.
I see passion, excitement, nervousness, hope and most importantly self-belief in the eyes of those few. I do have vague memories of how it felt like.
I don't think I will ever feel that way again.
The passion won't be as strong. The fire's been put out too many times to count.
But only time will tell. For it's possible that the passion will be stronger than ever.
I'm not going to hold my breath though. I'm just going to do my best under the circumstances.
I'm just simply thankful and grateful for the people who had, have and still is there for me. Though they themselves thought they weren't much of a help, it isn't true.
They were the ones who helped the most.
They were the ones who pushed me to pull through.
They were the ones who lifted me up in times of despair.
And words of 'Thanks" would merely match its worth.
I can't think of any great or amazing enough that would.
I didn't say everything went smooth-sailing after.
In fact, it got worse.
How's that for a start?
But I know I'll pull through.
Don't we always in times of failure?
With people you love supporting you, don't you already have an ultimatum?
It won't be any easier, just bearable.
Before I end part 2 of part 2, the less darker side, there's something I want to add.
Girl, our friendship, this bond that we have had and still have for the past few years, it will be tested.
We won't like it at all.
But I know it'll last.
Cause we'll make it work.
We'll still be there for each other.
No matter what.
My promise to you is that the shoulder and the ear is always here available to you.
Doesn't matter when or where.
So their is no excuse to give up.
Neither is there any reason to.
Another something to add.

A note to thyself.
Till fingers start typing again.
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