Saturday, 30 January 2010


What do you do when there's a blackout?
You light up a candle, plug in your favourite tunes (on your Ipod of course, it's a blackout) and dig in a tub of ice-cream.
That was exactly what I did.
And it felt so good.

Want to know what sounds absolutely pleasing to my ears?


Seriously, I would have dropped dead by the second day of school if it weren't for these two.
It's like some sort of magic word or what-not.
I can't get enough of it.
And I want more of it.
Especially sleep.

Since my refrigerator is already stocked with my ice-cream to last me till.. I don't know, say next month (which is like a day away), I'd say I need more sleep.
But I'm a procrastinator, so, yea, I tend to sleep really late at night.
Which is why I own a tee-shirt that says, "Procrastinators, Leaders of Tomorrow."
Okay, that was totally random.

Anyway, the reason I sleep so late has finally dawned upon me.
It's all thanks to that certain someone who influenced me not so long ago and got me hooked on sleeping late.
Like a junkie hooked on drugs.
The reason I'm using a junkie as an example is because it is not healthy.
But like I said. Hooked on it.
Which is why I love weekends.
Especially the sleeping in part.
Total bliss.
Till I get waken by bright lights. Don't bother asking.

This post is totally, absolutely pointless.
I've realized it at this point.
And I can't stop laughing.
Guess I'll end here.

Nighty night.

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